Veteran students and/or their dependents may qualify for VA educational benefits. The Financial Aid Office is the certifying authority for veterans, service members and their dependents.
The Financial Aid Office serves as a link between the Regional Veterans Affairs Office and the VA benefit recipient. Veterans or their dependents seeking assistance under the various Federal and State programs should, if possible, make initial application for such programs at least four weeks prior to enrollment. The Financial Aid Office has application forms for most veteran programs and will offer assistance to the student in completing these forms and forwarding them to the proper V.A. Office. Since most federal V.A. programs make monthly payments directly to veterans after enrollment, the veteran must be prepared to pay tuition and fees and meet all other payment deadlines before receiving the initial monthly allowance. ÃÛÌÒTV Alabama does not participate in the Advance Payment Plan with the Department of Veteran Affairs.
Students should complete a FERPA release, when applicable, and provide your VA benefit documentation to CACC. Please note that CACC requires all students seeking to use VA benefits to request the use of benefits each semester by completing the CACC VA Benefit Request for Certification Form. This electronic form may be found online at the CACC Financial Aid webpage by clicking the financial aid forms linkfollowed by the appropriate academic year. Veteran students must also submit the Joint Services Transcript (JST) along with any other college or university transcripts in addition to the Certificate of Eligibility (COE) before benefits may be certified by CACC with the VA.
Alabama GI Dependents Scholarship Program
For more information about using your DOD Tuition Assistance to supplement your education expenses, click the link below:
Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Instructions for TA Authorization
The Post 9/11 GI Bill®
The Post 9/11 GI Bill® is for individuals with at least 90 days of aggregate service on or after September 11, 2001, or individuals discharged with a service-connected disability after 30 days. This benefit provides up to 36 months of education benefits. This program is also commonly referred to as Chapter 33. Application is made by completing VA Form 22-1990, Application for VA Education Benefits.
Montgomery GI Bill® — Active Duty (MGIB)
The MGIB program provides up to 36 months of educational benefits. This benefit may be used for degree and certificate programs, flight training, apprenticeship/on-the-job training, and correspondence courses. Generally, benefits are payable for 10 years following your release from active duty. This program is also commonly known as Chapter 30. Application is made by completing VA Form 22-1990, Application for VA Education Benefits.
Montgomery GI Bill®– Selected Reserve (MGIB-SR)
The MGIB-SR program may be available to you if you are a member of the Selected Reserve. The Selected Reserve includes the Army Reserve, Navy Reserve, Air Force Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, Coast Guard Reserve, and the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard. This benefit may be used for degree and certificate programs, flight training, apprenticeship/on-the-job training, and correspondence courses. This program is also commonly referred to as Chapter 1606. Application is made by completing VA Form 22-1990, Application for VA Education Benefits.
Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP)
REAP was established as a part of the Ronald W. Reagan National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005. It is a Department of Defense education benefit program designed to provide educational assistance to members of the Reserve components called or ordered to active duty in response to a war or national emergency (contingency operation) as declared by the President or Congress. This program makes certain reservists who were activated for at least 90 days after September 11, 2001, either eligible for education benefits or eligible for increased benefits. This program is commonly referred to as Chapter 1607. Application is made by completing VA Form 22-1990, Application for VA Education Benefits.
Veterans Educational Assistance Program (VEAP)
VEAP is available if a student first entered active duty between January 1, 1977, and June 30, 1985, and elected to make contributions from military pay to participate in this education benefit program. This benefit may be used for degree and certificate programs, flight training, apprenticeship/on-the-job training, and correspondence courses. This program is commonly referred to as Chapter 32. Application is made by completing VA Form 22-1990, Application for VA Education Benefits.
Survivors and Dependents Educational Assistance Program (DEA)
DEA provides education and training opportunities to eligible dependents of veterans who are permanently and totally disabled due to a service-related condition, or who died while on active duty, or as a result of a service related condition. The program offers up to 45 months of education benefits. These benefits may be used for degree and certificate programs, apprenticeship, and on-the-job training. This program is commonly referred to as Chapter 35 or Chapter 31. Application is made by completing VA Form 22-5490, Application for Survivors and Dependents Education Assistance.
Non-Resident Veterans Eligible for In-State Tuition Rates
In accordance with Section 702 of the Choice Act, out-of-state students receiving Chapter 30 or Chapter 33 VA benefits may be eligible for the in-state tuition rate. For additional information, please contact the Certifying Official located in the Financial Aid Office at the College
Certification of Veteran Enrollment by ÃÛÌÒTV Alabama
The Certifying Official in the Financial Aid Office at ÃÛÌÒTV Alabama is responsible for certifying the enrollment of veterans and their dependents electronically via the Department of Veteran Affairs certification program, Enrollment Manager (formerly VA-Once). Certification will be conducted at the conclusion of the College late/drop/add registration period. All veterans or eligible dependents should contact the Financial Aid Office during registration each semester in order to notify the CACC’s School Certifying Official of the veteran’s or dependent’s enrollment and request certification of enrollment for that semester.
Prior to certification, veterans and/or dependents of veterans must complete all admission requirements for ÃÛÌÒTV Alabama, including all transcripts for all colleges attended and, if a veteran, a Joint Services Transcript (JST) complete the appropriate application for benefits, and present the following required documents to the Financial Aid Office, as applicable to the student:
DD-214, Separation Papers — Certified or original copy of Member 4 for Chapter 30 and 32 Veterans.
Form 2384, Notice of Basic Eligibility (NOBE) for Chapter 1606, National Guard and Reserves. File number for veteran’s dependents for Chapter 35.
The following criteria will be used for certifying veterans or eligible persons:
Certification will be granted for only those courses that are applicable to the declared program of study. Any deviation must be approved by the VA Certifying Official located in the College Financial Aid Office.
Certification will not be granted for audited courses or courses in which a veteran has received a grade of “D” or higher.
The veteran or eligible person who has received credit at other institutions will be certified only for those courses necessary to complete the declared program of study at the College. Payments will be made to the student from the Department of Veteran Affairs based on the following payment schedule:
Full-time payment (12 credit hours or more)
Three-fourths payment (9-11 credit hours)
One-half payment (6-8 credit hours)
Reimbursement for tuition and fees (5 or fewer credit hours)
Required Verification of Enrollment by Student
Students receiving MGIB-Active Duty (Chapter 30), REAP (Chapter 1607), or MGIB-Selected Reserve (Chapter 1606), must verify their enrollment* each month to receive payment for that month. Your enrollment can be verified starting on the last calendar day of the month by using the Department of Veteran Affairs Web Automated Verification of Enrollment (WAVE) at
Additional VA Information
Additional Information regarding benefits available to veterans and their dependents is available by calling the Department of Veteran Affairs at 1-888-442-4551 (toll free) or by reviewing the Department of Veteran Affairs’ website at